Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hello fellow SDCA members!  I hope you are all having a great summer.  It seems like just yesterday when we were all in Spearfish and I can't help but count down the days until our next conference in Sioux Falls (it's always better when it's in your home town!:) 

As Ethics chair this year it is my duty to provide you with education and help in answering our burning ethical questions and dilemmas.  My plan is to post one dilemma a month and give you all a chance to respond and earn CEU's while doing it!  Posts will begin in September and run through May so you have the potential of earning 10 CEU's, or 1 CEU per dilemma.  You will be responsible for reading the dilemma and then emailing me a 1 page reaction paper that includes how you would handle the dilemma and cite the ACA code or codes of ethics that applies to that dilemma. Also, at the top of each paper please in include your name, address, email, and LPC number if applicable.  Email me your paper at  Then, I will email you your certificate.  It's that simple!  Also, please use me as a resource over the next year for questions regarding any ethical issue you may come across and I would be happy to help you with the answer!

Thanks and good luck!

Erin Stolsmark
SDCA Ethics Chair

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