Wednesday, February 4, 2015

 Ethical Dilemma #6: February

You are a school counselor and a student tells you that she has been raped. You and the student decide to tell the parents together and you all have a conversation about the rape. The student and the parent do not wish to report the rape and they want her to continue counseling with you. 

Do you have a responsibility to report this?  If so to who?  What other ethical responsibilities do you have?

Monday, January 5, 2015

Ethical Dilemma #5:  January

I hope your new year is off to a great start!  The following is a question I received from someone last month:

I am a counselor in private practice and I also teach part time for a local university. One of my new current students this semester is a past client of mine. Is there an ethical dilemma here?  What do I do?